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Safe & Professional Tantra Treatment for Men

When presented with the question, ‘who is Tantra for?’ The answer is quite simply, men, women and couples.  It is for people who know there is something more to life than what they are experiencing; for those who want to feel alive in their bodies; for those who what to enrich, enliven and transform their lives and relationships’. Tantra can benefit men, women and couples in some amazing ways.

The Tantra training sessions and treatment sessions offered by Tantric Journey for couples provide tools, practical training, understanding and sacred practices that will allow couples to open a door to a new level of trust and deeper intimacy with each other.

Tantric Journey offers training that will teach men and women to live a more illuminated life through the harnessing of sexual life force energy. During training students are taught how to move this life force energy throughout their whole body to enliven and invigorate their complete system.  Tantra for men treatment is designed to awaken and rejuvenate the body with sexual energy through ancient Tantric and Tao body techniques. Being an holistic therapy it can be used to tackle a series of problems including Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Impotence, Sexual Inexperience, Inhibited Ejaculation and lack of confidence.


Tantra for women offers a powerful and unique approach to releasing trapped, obstinate emotions. The treatment for women includes Tantra and Tao bodywork that is extremely effective in aiding a range of symptoms and illnesses including:

•             Loss of interest in sex

•             Difficulty in experiencing an orgasm

•             Vaginismus – involuntary vaginal contractions

•             Fear of sex, intimacy or love

•             Inability  to maintain a long term relationship

•             lack confidence

•             Addictions

•             Emotional, stress, body aches, insomnia

•             Poor menstruation

•             Menopause discomfort

•             Fertility issues

•             depression

In the Western society many people find they have been conditioned to hold back their natural energy flow, but this just means that they are holding back their true potential. Many men, women and couples who attend a Tantric Journey treatment session or course realise after their training that they had been leading their life switched off and that they had been unable to feel fully, instead they had just been going through the motions of daily life. After Tantric Journey training that incorporates Tantra and Tao practices many students report an incredible increase in their creativity, energy levels, drive for life and passion.

Click here for more details of tantra treatments


Heal Your Mind and Body with Tantra for Couples

Tantra for Couples – How deep is your love


February is a month when many people think about getting closer to their partner and of all things romantic, because of Valentines day. Whilst red roses and romantic meals may be seen as traditional heart felt gifts, for a deeper and more meaningful gift this valentines you might want to book a couples session with Tantric Master, Mal Weeraratne or book yourself and your partner on one of his courses. His Tantric Journey workshops for couples are designed for those who wish to deepen their love together and transform difficulties.  As Mal explained that Tantra can really help a relationship and may be the key to improving, repairing or just making a relationship last. When quizzed on how, Mal said,

‘’Relationships are based on deep heart and soul connections.’’ Which all sounds very true, he explained, ‘ Tantra can teach you on how to connect using your 5 sensors:

1.       Eye gazing for heart connection

2.       Conscious touch to embrace pleasure

3.       Smell to connect intimately

4.       Talking and hearing positive affirmations

5.       Tasting the body to arouse

Mal explains that Sting got the idea of Tantra wrong, for enlightenment and having a reverence for your partner that lasts beyond the length of any orgasm is at the core of the teachings and of his couple courses. He has trained and counselled many couples and so perhaps a copy of his book may be an excellent Valentine’s Day present, certainly he presents some interesting ideas in his book, including a chapter entitled ‘ How to win and keep a woman’s love’.

Tantra for Women – Can it help Menopause Symptoms? 

Menopause is one of those inevitabilities in a woman’s life, but it is also one of those dreaded but little talked about occurrences. Menopause can affect a woman’s health in a whole host of ways.

A woman’s general well-being, sexual function and vitality can be affected and there is little help in mainstream medicine. However, Mal Weeraratne who runs Tantric Journey believes that there is no longer a need for women to suffer the symptoms of this natural process and he explains that Tantra can help with many of the symptoms associated with the perimenopause and menopause, including mood swings, vaginal dryness, vaginal discomfort, decreased libido, dysparunia (pain during intercourse) and lack of energy/vitality.

It is important to remember that a woman can enter the perimenopausal state up to ten years prior to the onset of a menopause and so the symptoms and decrease in general well-being and vitality can be ongoing for a prolonged period. Whilst some women experience a gradual change, others experiencing an overwhelming array of symptoms all at once. Mal has treated over 3,000 women of various ages and from all sorts of backgrounds and has experienced the amazing results that can be achieved through tantric bodywork when it comes to women’s health.

Tantric Journey is a healing and awakening modality technique based upon the ancient principles of Tantra and Tao in conjunction with ground-breaking Western knowledge; to create a powerful and transformative form of therapy that is capable of releasing negative stagnant emotions as a result of past trauma, stored at a deep cellular level within the body. In conjunction with this Tantric Journey looks to harness sexual energy and invigorate the whole body, leading to a sense of radiance and well-being throughout the body and mind.

Low estrogen levels are held responsible for the notorious menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and decreased sleep, but also contribute to altered arousal thresholds and overall interest in sex. During menopause, a woman may not respond to the same arousal  triggers that she had only years before, and may also lose body confidence -all of this is normal and Mal explains that his deep bodywork can help with both the physical and emotional symptoms.